Section 21. An REB shall not defraud or withhold
any essential facts, which are pertinent to the mutual interests
of both parties.
Section 22. An REB shall voice their opinions,
suggestions and give advice to all buyers or others they service
politely, accurately and honestly both in word and manner.
Section 23. An REB shall cooperate in the
promotion of good real estate business and shall be supportive
of marketing and business regulations, which mutually protect
REB?s , their clients and the general public.
Section 24. An REB shall avoid any actions
that might defame or discredit the reputation of the real estate
business in general and/or the Real Estate Brokers Association.
Section 25. An REB shall behave themselves
for the greater interests of all fellow REB?s and the
general public by passing on knowledge, experience and the development
of good and proper business practices for the betterment of
the real estate industry.
Section 26. An REB shall not knowingly advertise
within any medium any false or exaggerated information, which
misleads in any manner, for example as in the price, location,
border, area, persons abilities, qualifications and/or connections,
Section 27. An REB shall not enter into a
property listing agreement contract knowing that the real estate
property owner has made an agreement giving the exclusive right
to sell or rent that particular property to any another broker(s).
Section 28. In the case where two (2) or more
brokers act together as co-brokers, no broker may act as broker
for the client of another co-broker, unless prior permission
has been given by the acting broker.
Section 29. The compensation between two brokers
shall be equally shared, unless a prior agreement has been made.
Section 30. Any income derived as a result
of and while working for a real estate agency, shall make it
an agent?s duty to inform their broker and as well hand
over such remunerations to the accounting office of the agency
immediately and in full, unless a prior written agreement was