Estate Brokers pay 4,000 Baht per course (3,500 Baht for Real
Estate Broker Association members, which includes monthly workshops)
Real Estate Training Course and Real
Estate Selling Techniques:
? Trends within the Real Estate Brokerage business.
? Ethics and Duties of Real Estate Agents.
? Property Farming and Listing Techniques.
? Asset Title Transfer and Tax Evaluation.
? Marketing and advertising concepts and ideas.
? Customer Qualifying.
? Telephone and Customer service Techniques.
? Techniques to deal with Customer inquiries.
? Sales Presentation and Demonstration.
? Techniques for resolving problems with Customers.
? Asset Evaluation.
? General Law for Brokers.
? Land and House Valuation.
? Real Estate Data-base Management and Administration.
? Creating a Customer base.
? Negotiation Techniques.
? Closing Deals.
? 15 Strategies for closing deals.
Real Estate Professional Course II
REF. Farming Techniques and Marketing Analysis
Real Estate Data-base Administration by MLS system
Property photos enhancement course using Adobe
photo shop software, ACD See
REL. General Law and Building Law
RES. Customer Pre-Qualifying and Broker negotiation